Talk to your spirit guides


Meet Helen

Helen Ho (she/they) is a NYC native, a Reiki master, an urban planner, a yoga teacher, and a pro-bono lobbyist for food delivery workers. She grew up in the Asian centers of Queens and played waiter at her parents’ restaurant in Times Square as a child. She became a reiki healer through the NYC POC Healing Circle. While learning reiki, Helen became an psychic medium and learned how to talk to spirits, both your spirit guides and deceased loved ones. She wants you to know that spirits. that appear in real life typically want to be helpful and are not the creepy ones you see in movies. If you would like, she delights in offering you useful tips on how to better listen to both yourself and your spirit guides.

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About Tarot

Tarot is the art of divining meaning from a 78 card deck. Ask about your love life, your home, your family, or your career. The cards that come out are never random. Helen is a psychic medium in this realm and works with you and your spirit guides to help you filter your own anxiety in order to see your path forward. She can also speak to deceased loved ones. There will be a fair amount of conversation because your spirit guides react to what you are saying (and also because Helen has a Gemini rising).

Tarot Sessions

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Deep Dive

60-90 Minutes
$250 or sliding scale

A 60-90-minute deep look into your life and unraveling information that seems unknown or elusive to you. Great for first time sessions, annual or regular check-ins, and gifts to others or yourself.

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Group session/Parties

2 hour minimum

Get your friends together via zoom or in person and have a group session! Everyone who wants to can have a short reading. A 2 hour session is perfect for 4-5 people. Great for birthdays, holiday parties or most types of special occasions.

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20 Minutes
$50 per question

A 20-minute shortie session for one question. Please have one questions e-mailed to Helen prior to the session.


About Reiki

Reiki is a type of energy healing that originated in Japan. It acknowledges that trauma lingers in both the body and the mind. Reiki seeks to move energy, so that you are more in balance with yourself. It can be used to help reduce stress, release unnecessary and unshakable energies, and address deep-rooted trauma, so participants can move positively forward in life. Helen is a trained Reiki Master, taught through the NYC POC Healing Collective and can attune your energies remotely through phone, by Zoom, or in person. Each session is unique to you.

Reiki Sessions

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60 Minutes
$250 or sliding scale

A 60-minute session via Zoom or outdoors at a private residence in Astoria, Queens (weather permitting). This session will be very interactive verbally so we can have a continuous feedback loop and continuously adjust to address the root of your issue.

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20 Minutes + debrief
$100 or sliding scale

A 20-minute session + prep and debrief remote session. You e-mail or text the issue you would like to be addressed, we set an appointed time for 20 minutes of reiki so we are both in a quiet place, and debrief afterwards by text or phone call for 10 minutes.


Booking Policies


How to book

Fill out the form below or email for all bookings and for any questions. Requests will be answered within 24 hours or faster with availability within the next 1-7 days and the payment process. If you have preferred times/days, please suggest them.


All prices listed here can also be sliding scale if you have a financial hardship or would like to barter for services. Currently all sessions can be conducted in person or virtually via Zoom. *Special combo Reiki+ Tarot is $350 for a 2 hour session.

Spirit Guides

Your spirit guides are always with you and will come through on all sessions. If you have a specific deceased loved one you would like to reach out to, please mention it beforehand and we can chat, time permitting, for Tarot Deep Dive or Follow-up or a Full Reiki session.




Thanks Helen!!!! I’ve been feeling so much lighter since our reading. You have such a wonderful gift 🙏 sending light and love for the holidays and the new year!!


Just a quick note to say that I gained some really strong clarity later last week after thinking more on our conversation, so thank you to you and my (at times argumentative) spirit.


We're now happily planning to stay in our little bubble for Thanksgiving, and will wait and see what Christmas brings. I was able to assert myself and set boundaries, which feels great.


Thank you, Helen! That was a terrific reading, and I enjoyed chatting with you!


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